The Art of Snooker Table Maintenance
Ensuring Smooth Gameplay

Snooker onderhoud

For snooker enthusiasts, the table is more than a piece of furniture; it is the arena where precision, skill, and strategy come together in a beautiful game. However, the elegance of the game can easily be tarnished by a poorly maintained table, especially the cloth that forms the heart of the playing surface. Here is a comprehensive guide to keeping your snooker table in top condition, so that each game is as flawless as the last.

Understanding the Importance of the Cloth

The snooker cloth, made from a blend of wool and nylon or pure wool, is delicate and requires careful attention. It's not just about aesthetics; the condition of the cloth can significantly affect the playability of the game. A well-maintained cloth allows for smoother and faster ball movement, while a neglected cloth can lead to unpredictable play and frustration.

Step-by-Step Maintenance of the Cloth

  • ​Brushing: The First Line of Defense Regular brushing of the cloth is crucial. Always brush in the direction of the nap – the raised, fluffy surface that guides the movement of the balls – to remove dust and chalk particles. This should be done gently to avoid damaging the fibers. A good brushing routine maintains the integrity of the cloth and ensures a consistent playing surface.
  • Vacuuming: The Deep Clean After brushing, vacuuming helps to remove any remaining loose dirt. Use a vacuum cleaner with gentle suction and a non-rotating brush to prevent fiber damage. This step is essential for removing chalk that doesn't come off with brushing alone.
  • Ironing: For the Perfect Finish Occasionally, a dry iron can be used to enhance the playing experience by making the cloth faster. However, this should only be done after the cloth has been thoroughly cleaned and brushed, to prevent dirt from being pressed into the fibers.
  • Stain Removal: The Gentle Touch Stains and marks are inevitable, but must be addressed promptly. Blot the area with a dry cloth – never rub, as this can damage the fabric. For stubborn stains, a mild soap solution with water or a  Foamcleaner can be used. After removing the stain, let the sheet dry completely in the air.
  • Protection: The Proactive Approach When not in use, covering the table can protect the cloth from dust, dirt, and unfortunate spills. This simple step can extend the life of the cloth and reduce the need for frequent deep cleaning.
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Additional Tips for Snooker Table Care

  • Keep food and drinks away from the table to prevent spills.
  • Regularly clean the snooker balls to keep them free of dirt that can transfer to the cloth.
  • Discourage sitting on the edges to maintain the integrity of the cushions.
  • Avoid the use of talcum powder, which can accumulate on the cloth and affect the movement of the ball.

The Result of Good Maintenance

By following these maintenance practices, you not only maintain the appearance and lifespan of your snooker table, but you also ensure an enjoyable and fair game every time. Remember that the quality of your snooker experience is directly related to the care you give to your table.

Whether you're a seasoned player or a casual fan, taking the time to maintain your snooker table is an investment in the quality of your game. So grab that brush, and let's keep the game rolling smoothly!


It is advisable to brush the snooker table after each use. This helps to remove chalk and dust that has accumulated during the game and keeps the cloth in optimal condition.

Yes, but make sure that the iron is dry and set to a low temperature. It's important that the sheet is completely clean and free of dust before you start ironing to prevent dirt from scorching.

Snooker balls can be cleaned best with a soft cloth and a little water with soap. Dry them thoroughly before placing them back on the table to prevent moisture on the cloth.

Use a solution of mild dish soap and water. Gently dab the solution onto the stain with a clean cloth, avoiding rubbing. Then rinse the area by gently dabbing with a damp cloth and allow the sheet to dry completely.

You can also use a foam cleanser like this one: Foamreiniger voor biljartlaken

Yes, covering the table when it's not in use is a good way to protect the cloth from dust, dirt, and accidental spills. This can reduce the frequency of deep cleanings and extend the life of the cloth.

Mag snookerlaken nat gemaakt worden?

Ja, snookerlaken mag nat gemaakt worden. Het is echter aangeraden om het maar zeer licht vochtig te maken. Omdat leisteen poreus is kan het droogproces lang duren indien er te veel water gebruikt wordt. Zolang de steen niet terug droog is heeft dit een nadelig effect op het spel. Eéns alles droog is echter alles terug zoals het hoort.

Sommige sites beweren dat water het laken onherroepelijk beschadigt, dit is niet waar! Sterker nog, de meeste stoffeerders, mezelf inbegrepen, durven wel eens water te gebruiken om hun werk te vergemakkelijken.

in Tips
Gert Pellin EZ, Gert Pellin 22 January, 2024
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