Moving a snooker table yourself
Everything you need to know for dismantling and moving a snooker table.

Moving a snooker table yourself

Snooker tables are relatively easy to disassemble and transport on your own. The only difficulty factor is the weight of the tables. With 5 stones weighing around 200 kg each, it is necessary to have some strong individuals present, and in case there are stairs involved, it can sometimes become difficult and dangerous. Therefore, always make sure to check if it's possible to use a moving lift.


Transport of the tables can be done in most large vans with a loading space of 3.5 meters or more. Please note that the van should be able to carry 1.5 tons, as you will come close to that weight.


Step 1

To start the disassembly, the decorative slats need to be slid out of the tires. Sometimes this requires applying some force, and a rubber hammer can be useful. Also, be careful that the slat doesn't get caught behind the leather or the pockets' linings.

 Step 2

The pocket nets are attached to the bottom with a small bracket screwed into the wood. These screws and the screw in the leather strap must be removed before proceeding.

Also check the bottom of the end of the tires. Many tables have a bolt here that holds the pockets. Remove this now as well. 

 Step 3

Remove the bolts from the sides of the tires. Start with the head tires, as they are the easiest to remove. Be careful when removing the last bolt that the tire doesn't fall to the ground.

 Step 4

Remove the sheet from the table. If it needs to be reused, each nail should be carefully removed. If not, the sheet can potentially be cut along the edges, and the nails can still be removed during installation.

Once the sheet is removed, you will see wood nails all around the entire board. These hold the tension bars in place. All of these can be removed.​

 Step 5

Now it is time to remove the stone slabs. Usually, these are lightly glued together, the connection can be broken by tilting the slabs slightly. Then slide the slabs apart (usually they are interlocked and cannot be simply lifted). 

The 5 slabs each weigh about 200 kg on a full-size snooker table, so be careful when removing them. Also, make sure to place a few beams under each stone during storage or transportation, so that you can slide your fingers underneath.

 Step 6

The dismantling of the base is self-explanatory. It is easiest to first turn the table upside down before starting the dismantling of the legs.


Getting the table reassembled properly requires some additional knowledge and experience. It's best to leave this task to a professional. Fortunately, you're already on the right website, click below to get in touch for a custom quote.

in Tips
Gert Pellin EZ, Gert Pellin 28 December, 2022
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